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Table 7 Secondary outcome measure outline

From: Feasibility and acceptability of a contextualized physical activity and diet intervention for the control of hypertension in adults from a rural subdistrict: a study protocol (HYPHEN)


Tool used


Participant position/instruction


Blood pressure

Oscillometry blood pressure monitor

OMRON M3 comfort, Japan

Sitting on a chair with back supported with feet on the ground. Cuff wrapped on upper arm

Three measurements recorded and the average of the last two will be calculated [42]

Body mass index

Portable stadiometer

SECA, Germany

Standing on the scale with shoes off, no cap or hat worn on head

Body mass index will be calculated by dividing the participant’s weight in kilograms by the participant’s height in metres squared [43]

Portable LED weighing scale

DQUIP, India

Standing on the scale. Shoes off, no heavy clothing worn, no items in pockets

Waist-hip ratio

Rubber tape measure (centimetres)


Waist: participant standing shoulder width apart, measuring around participant’s waist at the smallest point

Hip: participant standing shoulder width apart, measuring around participant’s hip at the widest part

Waist circumference divided by hip circumference [44]

Urinary sodium

Urine sample



On-the-spot urine sample collected in a 300-ml container and stored at temperatures of − 80 °C in a laboratory upright biomedical freezer. Samples will be analysed in a clinical laboratory which adheres to good clinical laboratory practice (GCLP) standards. Samples will be tested only for sodium levels

Physical activity

Axivity AX3

Axivity Ltd., UK

Participant to wear the axivity wristwatch and instructed not to remove it

Device worn on the nondominant wrist with an adjustable watch strap over 7 full days consecutively


24-h diet questionnaire


Participant asked to recall all food consumed in the past 24 h

Record type of food consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snack meals