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Table 1 Specification of the implementation strategy per Proctor et al.’s framework (reference [44])

From: Implementation of an internet-based stress management program in micro- and small-sized enterprises: a study protocol for a pre-post feasibility study of the effectiveness-implementation hybrid type 2 trial


Strategy 1: Recruitment by licensed social insurance consultants

Strategy 2: Online semi-structured lecture for employers/managers


Licensed social insurance consultants (cooperators of researchers)

Researchers in the University of Tokyo


Introduce this research to relevant employers/managers of MSEs

Provides online semi-structured lecture via Zoom for 30–45 min

Target of the action

Employers/managers of MSEs agree to participate in this research and to attend the online lecture from researchers in the University of Tokyo

Employers/managers of MSEs announce the intervention “WellBe-LINE” for employees in an effective manner to encourage them to participate as much as possible


At licensed social insurance consultants’ most convenient time (e.g., e-mail, poster, and online meeting)

Researchers provided tools for licensed social insurance consultants to support the introduction of this study protocol

- YouTube ( (

- Poster

- E-mail template

Before announcement in the workplace for employees

via Zoom for 30–45 min


- Self-introduction and research explanation (5 min)

- Importance of mental health measures at MSEs (5 min)

- Easy way to improve employees’ mental health (10 min)

- Three psychological tips for engaging employees to participate mental health interventions (15 min)

- Q and A (5 min)

Determining the company’s culture through interview and consulting the strategy to attract employees (5 min)


No restriction for the number of times to introduce this research

Once before company announcement for 30–45 min

Outcomes affected

Employers/managers’ acceptability, and appropriateness

Employees’ penetration (primary), appropriateness

Employers/managers’ acceptability, appropriateness, and fidelity


Lack of knowledge about the impact of employees’ mental health on business [8] and not understanding the necessity of an appropriate approach [10] prohibits MSEs to adopt the intervention. Familiar licensed social insurance consultants can work as a stakeholder to motivate employers/managers of MSEs to take actions by introducing this research with customed explanations

Fundamental factors that influence the implementation of workplace health promotion in MSEs were the leadership engagement of employers [7]. Educating stakeholders is a possible recommended strategy if leadership engagement can be barriers in the context [27, 28]

  1. MSEs micro- and small-sized enterprises