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Table 1 Participant eligibility criteria

From: Protocol for a single-arm, pilot trial of creatine monohydrate supplementation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

Inclusion criteria

    • Diagnosed cognitive impairment due to AD [28]

    • Agreed cooperation from a study partner

    • Speaks English as primary language

    • Age 60 to 90

    • Stable AD medication for ≥ 30 days

    • BMI ≥ 18.5 kg/m2

Exclusion criteria

    • Diabetes (types 1 or 2), cancer requiring chemotherapy or radiation within the past 5 years, or recent cardiac event (i.e., heart attack)

    • Other neurodegenerative disease

    • Ongoing renal disorder or abnormal renal or liver function

    • Use of medications or supplements that affect blood glucose (i.e., metformin)

    • Unable to undergo MRI

    • Clinical trial or investigational drug or therapy participation within 30 days of the screening visit

    • Non-English speakers

    • Inability to perform strength testing

    • Weight > 350 lbs

    • MMSE < 17