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Table 3 Extract from the reducing alcohol consumption intervention map

From: Improving cardiovascular health in patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm: development of the cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with aneurysms (CRISP) behaviour change intervention

Performance objective

Modifiable determinant

Change techniques


Accessing and engaging with support for reducing alcohol consumption

This may include (a) referral to the local drug and alcohol support service if criteria are met, (b) provide self-guided support on reducing alcohol consumption via a website or booklet, (c) provide signposting to local third sector support services

Knowledge (patient) which include the following:

1. Understanding of safe drinking levels

2. Alcohol consumption is not associated with health risks

Mechanism of action (MOA): Knowledge

2.2: Feedback on behaviour

2.6: Biofeedback

5.1: Information about health consequences

5.3 Information about social and environmental consequences

HCP delivered strategies:

2.2: During the initial nurse assessment alcohol consumption will be assessed. Patients will be informed if their current drinking is within recommended ‘healthy’ levels

2.6: A simple test will be offered to those who drink excessively

Information materials and digital support:

5.1 and 5.3: Patients will be provided with a booklet/website with information about safe drinking levels, the social, environmental and health effects of excessive alcohol consumption, where to find help in reducing their alcohol consumption


Social role of alcohol

MoA: Environmental context and resources

1.2 Problem-solving

3.2 Social support (practical)

7.5 Remove aversive stimulus

11.4 Restructuring the physical environment

12.2 Restructuring the social environment

12.3 Avoidance/reducing exposure to cues for the behaviour

HCP delivered strategies:

1.2: During all appointments the HCP will discuss with the patient any challenges they are facing and collectively, with the patient, try and find solutions to the issues. HCPs in collaboration with patients will also develop if then plans to help pre-empt solutions to problems which may arise

3.2 HCPs will discuss with patients how friends and or family maybe able to help reduce alcohol consumption. For example, people a patient live with agreeing to bring less alcohol into the house. This information will be in the booklet/website as well

7.5, 12.3: During the nurse assessment a discussion will be had in regard to if there are any stimulus or cues which encourages excessive alcohol consumption and whether they could be removed/reduced/mitigated. For example, drinking whilst watching sport or having a stressful day at work. This will also be covered in the booklet/website

11.4 and 12.2: During the nurse assessment a discussion will be had in regard to if there are any environmental changes which the patient could undertake to reduce their excessive alcohol consumption. For example, throwing away ‘the beer fridge’ so there is less capacity to store chilled beer in the house. This will also be covered in the booklet/website

Information materials and digital support:

Patients will be provided with a booklet/website with information about safe drinking levels, the social, environmental and health effects of excessive alcohol consumption, where to find help in reducing their alcohol consumption