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Table 1 Description of each intervention component for phases 1, 2 and 3

From: Protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a multicomponent sustainable return to work IGLOo intervention


Intervention level


Individual—Worker with mental health condition

Group—Colleagues of the worker on sick leave

Leader—Line manager of the worker on sick leave

Organisation—HR, OH, Leaders responsible for sickness absence

Phase 1




3 × video presentations with supporting self-guided exercises and checklists:

• Foundations: Mental health and RTW.

• RTW policies and practices.

• Engaging stakeholders to support a successful return to work.

• Setting-up for success

Phase 2

Video presentations with supporting self-guided exercises and checklists supported by three coaching sessions:

Step 1: Initial sick leave, what to do?

Step 2: During sick leave, e.g. getting support, staying in contact with employer

Step 3: Preparing for return to work

Step 4: First weeks back at work, e.g. connecting with manager and colleagues

Step 5: Keeping healthy and productive at work.

Workers on long-term sick leave and managers can share an information leaflet with colleagues which gives advice on how to support their colleague up to and during their absence.

Video presentations with supporting self-guided exercises and checklists:

Step 1: initial sick leave. Prep-work, contacting the employee and follow up actions.

Step 2: During sick leave, e.g. keeping in touch, using a co-ordinated approach.

Step 3: Preparing for RTW.

Step 4: First weeks back at work. Preparing for employee’s return and supporting them upon their return.

Step 5: Staying healthy and productive at work. Regular check-ins with employee, etc.


Phase 3

Step 6: Job crafting to stay well in work. What is job crafting and how can it be used to the employee’s benefit?

Workers on long-term sick leave and managers can share an information leaflet with colleagues which gives advice on how to support their colleague reintegrate to the workplace upon their return.

Step 6: Job crafting to stay well in work. What is job crafting and how to support employee to make and manage work adjustments.