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Table 1 Targeted transition workshops

From: Protocol for evaluation of the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a targeted transition readiness workshop intervention for pediatric brain tumor survivors


Workshops for PBTS and caregivers

1st workshop

2nd workshop

3rd workshop

Healthcare professional

Transition care nurse

Social worker/psychologist

Occupational therapist/psychologist


Disease self-management

Social skills and peer relationships

Cognitive challenges and return to daily activities


Differences between pediatric and adult setting

Components of friendship and opportunities for socialization

Overview of school and work resources (education plans, scholarships, funds, work placement programs) and how to access these

Transition skill education and practice

- How to manage medications (filling a prescription, reading medication labels)

- How to share a personal health history

- How to ask questions/which questions to ask

-How to assert needs [33]

-How to learn and access services for managing daily activities (how to ask for adapted resources at school, work)

-How to plan and organize daily activities (SMART goals)