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Table 2 Dietary counselling activities to be completed at each study visit

From: Dietary counselling plus omega-3 supplementation in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: protocol for a randomized wait-list controlled pilot trial (the “EASe-GAD Trial”)

Study visit

Dietary counselling activities

First dietary counselling session

-Inquiry about usual meals, beverages, aversions, preferences, cultural influences on eating

-Presentation of EASe-GAD recommendations and rationales

-Affirmation of aspects of diet that are already aligned with recommendations

-Guided discussion where the participant identifies an opportunity for improvement without judgement

-Creation of a goal, identification of possible barriers, and ways to navigate these barriers

Follow-up dietary counselling sessions

-Participant queried about the previous goal

-If achieved, affirmations

-If not achieved, discussion of obstacles or challenges, generation of problem-solving strategies while maintaining a positive message

-Presentation of new material (educational handouts, resources) as appropriate

-Creation of a new goal or adjustment of the previous goal

Final dietary counselling session

-Discussion about achievements made during the program and affirmations

-Discussion of long-term goals and strategies to maintain