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Table 2 SPoRT intervention modules

From: Development, feasibility, and acceptability of SPoRT: a dating violence and sexual risk prevention intervention for college student-athletes


Module title

Key mechanisms of change


Session 1

Taking care of yourself and your team

Emotion regulation and adaptive coping strategies

How teammates can take care of one another, emotion regulation, coping and how substances influence coping, coping cards activity, mindfulness, mindfulness activity

Session 2

Healthy relationships

Communication skills

Healthy and unhealthy relationships, sexual violence within dating relationships, sexual violence within dating relationships activity, cycle of violence activity, safety cards activity, communication skills, communication skills activity

Session 3

Sexual violence

Attitudinal risk factors and bystander behaviors

Sexual violence, sexual violence activity, sexism and rape myths, consent, did they get consent activity, bystander interventions and identifying barriers

Session 4

Sexual risk

Sexual risk behaviors, alcohol and drug use

Sexual risk, sexual risk activity, condom use, condom activity, getting tested and talking about getting tested, alcohol use, alcohol use activity, review team goals and wrap-up

  1. Content in bold was demonstrated in the phase 2 focus groups