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Table 2 Content of the CARE-CITE-Gait intervention for the carepartner

From: Evaluation of a carepartner-integrated telehealth gait rehabilitation program for persons with stroke: study protocol for a feasibility study



Overview of modules structure

Each module has multimedia to provide the purpose, educational content, and/or illustrate examples of the topics discussed. Concluding each module, four to five reflection questions are provided to allow for application of content, and seven feedback questions are provided to gather information on ease of use, acceptability, and usefulness of modules

Module I: Introduction to CARE-CITE-Gait

Describes CARE-CITE Gait project and defines the roles of the carepartner and stroke survivor and summarizes the modules. Welcome survey provided for the carepartner to complete with research interventionist for practice using the website and answering questionnaires

Module II: Introduction to carepartner and collaborative integrated therapy—CARE-CITE

Overview of goal setting (providing examples in the areas of household activities of daily living, leisure, and work-related and collaborative activities), home diary (to record activities and difficulty level), and review of safety measures and behavior contract (use of gait belt, agreement between stroke survivor and carepartner on individual and collaborative activities)

Two videos showing examples of practicing activities of daily living to improve balance and gait, image examples of a completed home diary, and behavior contract and seven videos of conversations around safety and considerations

Module III: Practice and goal setting

Review of role of practice in promoting neuroplasticity and recovery after stroke. Discussion of collaborative problem-solving to accomplish tasks, maintaining appropriate challenge threshold, both reducing task complexity when a task is too difficult and increasing challenge when the task is easily mastered. Two to seven video clips capture each of the six themes of practice

Module IV: Autonomy support—creating partnerships

Cultivating an autonomy supportive environment with empathy, problem-solving through tasks in the home setting, use of noncontrolling language, and offering choice. Recognize challenges and explore ways to improve communication (avoid controlling language such as “you should exercise,” or “you have to do this”). Eight video clips illustrate understanding another’s viewpoint, using problem-solving strategies, providing rationale, and providing choice during gait and mobility exercises

Module V: Taking care of yourself as a carepartner

Carepartner self-care recognizing demands of caregiving role, strategies for stress reduction, opportunities for self-care activities, and community resources (only text)

Module VI: Reflections

Six videos (limited text) of stroke survivors and carepartner reflecting on rehabilitation and recovery. Encouraging carepartner reflection on his/her role in recovery of the stroke survivor