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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: Functional performance recovery after individualized nutrition therapy combined with a patient-tailored physical rehabilitation program versus standard physiotherapy in patients with long COVID: a pilot study

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Able to understand and sign written informed consent in Dutch, French, or English

Patient with medical history of any other disease besides long COVID that could explain the symptoms

Adult (≥ 18 years old)

Patient is unable to undergo a rehabilitation program due to comorbidities (e.g., major cardiovascular disease such as myocarditis or severe dementia), as decided on by the medical study team members

Laboratory (PCR and/or serology) confirmed infection with SARS-CoV-2 or probable diagnosis based on the clinical diagnosis

Patient currently benefiting from physiotherapy sessions with focus on motor and/or respiratory (independent for underlying condition)

Persisting functional difficulties and symptoms: exercise intolerance and/or fatigue and/or muscle pain beyond 12 weeks beside other COVID-related symptoms (e.g., loss of taste and/or smell)

Patients with metabolic disorders such as inborn errors of metabolism or badly controlled metabolic disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus), or severe gastro-intestinal conditions (e.g., short bowel syndrome)

Patient enrolled in a Belgian health insurance

Patients unable to comprehend oral and/or written instructions, questionnaires in English, French, or Dutch