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Table 3 Efficacy outcomes

From: Effect of lifestyle or metformin interventions before IVF/ICSI treatment on infertile women with overweight/obese and insulin resistance: a factorial design randomised controlled pilot trial


Lifestyle intervention

RR/ MD (95%CI)

Metformin intervention

RR/ MD (95%CI)



(Groups A + C)


(Groups B + D)


(Groups B + C)


(Groups A + D)

Participants of loss weight 5–10%

— n(%)

26 (72.22)

3 (8.33)

8.67 (2.88–26.09)

16 (43.24

13 (37.14)

1.16 (0.66–2.05)

Participants of HOMA value below 2.69 after intervention—n(%)

18 (51.43)a

19 (52.77)

0.97 (0.62,1.52)


12 (35.29)a

1.91 (1.15–3.18)

Weight loss percentage—%

7.07 (4.62–9.17)

1.36 (0.36–3.35)

5.29 (3.63–6.95)

4.50 (1.81–7.59)

1.60 (0.34–5.26)

1.43 (-0.60–3.48)

Reduced waist circumference—cm

5.00 (1.00–8.00)

1.50 (-1.25–7.00)

3.03 (-0.44–6.50)

2.00 (-0.75–4.75)

4.00 (0.00–8.00)

-1.67 (-4.95–1.61)

Reduced hip circumference —cm

2.00 (0.00–7.00)


1.51 (-1.23–4.26)

1.00 (-1.00–4.00)

1.00 (0.00–2.50)

-0.20 (-2.72–2.32)

  1. For categorical variables n (%) is presented. For continuous variables median (interquartile ranges, IQR) is presented
  2. Group A: simple lifestyle intervention, Group B: simple metformin intervention, Group C: lifestyle + metformin intervention, Group D: no intervention
  3. HOMA Homeostasis Model Assessment, RR Relative Risk, MD Mean difference
  4. aHoma value of 1 subject was missing