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Table 5 Participant future program recommendations with illustrative quotes from post-program exit interviews

From: Growing Healthy Hearts: a single-arm feasibility study of a digitally delivered gardening, cooking, and nutrition intervention for adults with risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Gardening component

Consider hybrid or in-person sessions: “I would prefer hybrid or all in person”; “Get together and actually see a garden live”

Add educational content: “More help with the tools”; “More time spent on pests and pest control”

Add skills training: “A garden planner to plot out the garden”

Include in-garden demonstrations: “Have master gardeners in the garden instead of in their living room”

Provide more opportunities for group interaction: “Meet the people that you're in a community with to get advice”

Cooking component

Provide recipe swaps and substitutions: “Have some substitutions for those with allergies…Or if you don't like this, you can use this”

Conduct cook-along at a slower pace: “I didn't cook along. I didn't move fast enough to do that”

Add more advanced cooking skills: “Some sessions were on the elementary side for someone [experienced with cooking]”

Nutrition education component

Offer more advanced nutrition topics: “I don't know if I really learned anything new about nutrition. It reinforced the things that I should be doing, like less sodium”

Incorporate more cultural diversity: “The nutrition presentations were generic. It didn't get much diversity of people's backgrounds”