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Table 3 Post-program feasibility outcomes (n = 29)

From: Growing Healthy Hearts: a single-arm feasibility study of a digitally delivered gardening, cooking, and nutrition intervention for adults with risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Feasibility outcome and program goal

Goal achieved (yes/no), % (n)

Acceptability: Post-program rating of good/excellent (v. satisfactory/poor) from at least 70% of participants

Yes, achieved for 93% of participants (27)

Demand: Overall session attendance rate of 70%

Yes, achieved 81% overall attendance ratea

Practicality: At least 70% of participants were able to start a garden and grow fruits and vegetables

Yes, achieved for 96% of participants (28)

Individual practical gardening activities: At least 70% of participants completed 7 of 10 activities

Yes, achieved for 86% (25)

 Choosing a garden site

Yes, 100% (29)

 Completing the soil test

No, 59% (17)

 Starting a cool season (spring) garden

No, 55% (16)

 Starting a warm season (summer) garden

Yes, 93% (27)

 Starting a fall garden

No, 51% (15)

 Tending the garden weekly

Yes, 86% (25)

 Controlling garden pests

Yes, 76% (22)


Yes, 90% (26)

 Harvesting from the garden

Yes, 93% (27)

 Incorporating garden produce into meals

Yes, 90% (26)

  1. aOverall session attendance rate based on 30 participants attending 10 sessions (244/300 = 81%)