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Table 2 Growing Healthy Hearts participant demographic and health-related characteristics (n = 30)

From: Growing Healthy Hearts: a single-arm feasibility study of a digitally delivered gardening, cooking, and nutrition intervention for adults with risk factors for cardiovascular disease


Mean or % (n)

Age, mean [SD]a

49.9 [15.2] (30)

% female

83.3 (25)

% male

16.7 (5)

% Hispanic or Latino

3.3 (1)

% Not Hispanic or Latino

96.7 (29)


 % white

80.0 (24)

 % African American

10.0 (3)

 % Asian

10.0 (3)

% Education level, less than bachelor’s degree

30.0 (9)

Employment status

 Working full- or part-time

63.3 (19)


23.3 (7)

 Any other

10.4 (4)

% married or living as married

63.3 (19)

% not married or living as married

36.7 (11)

% residence is a house

86.7 (26)

% residence, an apartment or other

13.3 (4)

% yes, any food insecurity in past 12 months

10.0 (3)

% no food insecurity in past 12 months

90.0 (27)

% who have used any social services, past 5 yearsa

23.3 (7)

% used no social services, past 5 years

76.7 (23)

Cardiovascular disease risk factorsb

 % yes, ever told diabetes

23.3 (7)

 % never told diabetes

76.7 (23)

 % yes, ever told high blood pressure

53.3 (16)

 % never told high blood pressure

46.7 (14)

 % yes, ever told high cholesterol

63.3 (19)

 % never told high cholesterol

36.7 (11)

 % yes, ever told heart disease

3.3 (1)

 % never told heart disease

96.7 (29)

 % yes, family history of early heart attack

20.0 (6)

 % no history of early heart attack

80.0 (24)

 % yes, ever told stroke

6.7 (2)

 % never told stroke

93.3 (28)

 % yes, overweight or obese (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2)

76.7 (23)

 % no overweight or obese (body mass index < 25 kg/m2)

23.3 (7)

 % yes, any current or past tobacco use

33.3 (10)

 % no current or past tobacco use

66.7 (20)

  1. aAbbreviations: SD standard deviation
  2. bResponses were not mutually exclusive, and participants could self-report all that apply