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Table 2 Participants’ main reasons for not taking up the maximum four sessions offereda

From: Feasibility and acceptability of ‘low-intensity mental health support via a telehealth-enabled network’ for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: the LISTEN pilot study

Reasons given

Number of participantsb

Illustrative quote from participants

Derived sufficient benefit from the program


“I felt I had achieved what I set out to do and was confident to proceed with what I had learned”.

Program structure and/or scope not suitable


“Sessions felt very scripted and most of my issues were either unsolvable or heavily dependent on other people modifying their behaviour”.

Work/life commitments


“Work commitments meant that I could not participate in the 4th session”.

LISTEN not suitable due to significant distress


“[The health professional] ended the second session 5 min in and wished me all the best”.c

Not leading to change


“Was not able to properly implement changes discussed in the session”.

Response unclear



  1. aData collected at post-intervention from n = 9 participants who accessed < 4 session
  2. bSome participants provided more than one reason
  3. cLISTEN is a low-intensity mental health intervention, thus is not suitable for severe mental health problems such as severe depression. Therefore, as per the LISTEN protocol, the health professional ended the session and referred the participant to their GP for follow-up and assessment and was provided with links to mental health services