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Table 3 Analysis of factors predictive of treatment response (EPDS delta)

From: Feasibility, clinical efficacy, and well-being outcomes of an online singing intervention for postnatal depression in the UK: SHAPER-PNDO, a single-arm clinical trial



95% CI



Unadjusted model with CM and IPV


 − 3.25

 − 6.38 to − 0.11





 − 4.32 to 8.32



Adjusted for demographicsb


 − 4.69

 − 8.45 to − 0.93





 − 3.50 to 3.52



Adjusted for demographics and other risk factors for PNDc


 − 4.57

 − 9.29 to 0.14




 − 1.81

 − 6.45 to 2.82



  1. aBoth entered simultaneously into model
  2. bDemographics include maternal ethnicity, household income, physical problems with pregnancy/delivery, problems feeding baby, attendance of other mother–baby groups, number of sessions attended
  3. cRisk factors for PND include threatening life events, intrusive life events, prior MDD, current MDD, EPDS at baseline