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Table 3 Clinical characteristics of plwMND

From: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for people living with motor neuron disease: an uncontrolled feasibility study


N (missing N, %)

Mean (SD), median (IQR) or N (%)

Probable or definite MND

26 (3, 10%)


 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis


19 (73%)

 Progressive Muscular Atrophy


1 (4%)

 Progressive Bulbar Palsy


1 (4%)

 No MND variant specified


5 (19%)

Median months since diagnosis

27 (2, 7%)

9.0 (25.0), range 0.7–107

Median months since symptom onset

26 (3, 10%)

27.5 (38.4), range 3–166

No. prescribed riluzole

28 (1, 3%)

19 (68%)


29 (0, 0%)


 Mean total score (possible range 0–136)


111.9 (12.9), range 82–129

 Mean ALS-specific total score (possible range 0–100)


83.4 (11.4), range 55–97

MiND-B mean total score (possible range 9–36)b

23 (6, 21%)

33.1 (3.8), range 24–36

No. with a self-reported comorbid physical health diagnosis

29 (0, 0%)




18 (62%)



11 (38%)

No. with a self-reported comorbid mental health diagnosis

29 (0, 0%)




5 (17%)



0 (0%)

Suicidal ideation

29 (0, 0%)




5 (17%)



24 (83%)

No. prescribed psychotropic medication

29 (0, 0%)

10 (34%)c



2 (10%)



5 (25%)



1 (5%)



1 (5%)



1 (5%)

  1. One participant who was recruited but later found to be ineligible is not included here
  2. ALS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ECAS Edinburgh Cognitive Behavioural ALS Screen, IQR Interquartile range, MiND-B MND Behavioural Instrument, SD Standard deviation
  3. aHigher scores indicate fewer cognitive symptoms
  4. bHigher scores indicate fewer behavioural symptoms
  5. cNo participant was prescribed more than one psychotropic medication