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Table 2 Achievement of predefined goals

From: Community-based HIV testing through a general health check event in a high HIV-prevalent multicultural area in Rotterdam, The Netherlands: a pilot study on feasibility and acceptance



Goal achievement


Minimum of 25 persons per test event

Partially achieved: 2 out of the 7 test events had ≥ 25 participants (26 and 31 participants), the remaining test events had 19 participants (3 times), 16 participants, or 10 participants


No selective reach

Not achieved (Table 3)


70% first-time HIV testersa

Not achieved:

• Not corrected: 65.4% (n = 83/127)

• Correctedb: 52.8% (n = 67/127)


80% not recently tested for HIV (i.e., > 12 months)c


• Not corrected: 80.0% (n = 28/35)d

• Correctedb: 87.3% (n = 48/55)d


HIV positivity of 0.33–0.66%


0.75%; 95% CI: 0.02–4.09% (n = 1/134)

  1. CI Confidence interval
  2. aAmong all participants tested for HIV at the test events and that had information on HIV testing history
  3. bWe asked women if they had children and the children’s years of birth to correct for national HIV screening among pregnant women (pregnancy after 2003). Women who had a child after 2003 but did not report being tested for HIV were reclassified into the tested group
  4. cAmong all participants previously tested for HIV and that had information on HIV testing history
  5. dFive participants were excluded for whom the duration since their last HIV tests was unknown