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Table 4 Strategies to enhance engagement

From: Keeping Active with Texting after Stroke (KATS): development of a text message intervention to promote physical activity and exercise after stroke

Restrict the number of messages sent in a day, to avoid overloading participants

Send a message every day, so participants know what to expect

Add a few more messages to establish a relationship with the participants over the first few days

Refer to the participants’ names more frequently within texts

Sign off more messages every week using the researcher’s name (this would be a therapist for a large trial and/or at rollout of the intervention)

Add more information in text messages that would provide continuity from participants’ personal rehabilitation packages

Add more texts with hints and tips as verbatim quotes from other people with stroke, to model specific behaviours to increase physical activity

Make the therapists’ voices stronger (including quotes from physiotherapists how to achieve recommended physical activity levels)

Place more emphasis on walking, as it is one of the best forms of physical activity post-stroke, and it can be interesting, easily accessible and free