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Table 3 Study outcomes

From: Home-based tDCS for apathy in Alzheimer’s disease: a protocol for a randomized double-blinded controlled pilot study

Primary outcome measures

 Feasibility: Recruitment rate (per month), randomization success, blind success, retention/attrition rates

 Acceptability: Likert scale (from 0 [strongly disagree] to 10 [strongly agree]) composed of ten affirmatives regarding the use of home-based tDCS. For example, question 1: “It was easy to prepare the device and accessories,” question 7: “I felt confident using the device.” Overall acceptability across groups will be evaluated by descriptive measures of satisfaction ratings [31]

 Safety: Side effects questionnaire that include itching, burning, headache, fatigue, and dizziness [31]

Secondary outcome measures (tools)

 -Apathy (AES and bDAS) [39, 40]

 -Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPI-Q) [35, 36]

 -Depressive symptoms (Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia) [38]

 -Cognition (MMSE) [33]

  1. All outcome measures are continuous
  2. Abbreviations: AES Apathy Evaluation Scale, bDAS Brief Dimensional Apathy Scale, MMSE Mini-Mental State Exam, NPI-Q Neuropsychiatric Inventory, tDCS transcranial direct current stimulation