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Table 1 Re-implementation intervention components, described using the TIDieR checklist

From: Protocol for a randomised pilot study of a novel Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) ‘re-implementation’ intervention

Brief name

Re-implementation support package for PCIT-trained clinicians


PCIT is an effective treatment for childhood conduct problems, and a number of clinicians have received a five-day initial training in the approach since it was introduced to Aotearoa in 2010. Our earlier work suggests that, despite PCIT-trained clinicians viewing PCIT as effective and acceptable, relatively few are using it in their work, and those who are using it, are seeing a small number of families. The majority of PCIT-trained clinicians describe having encountered barriers to its use, which include lacking suitable equipment, and families having difficulty accessing clinic-based sessions. Facilitators of PCIT’s use included access to a suitable clinic room, and the ability to co-work PCIT cases with another clinician. These earlier studies have shaped the selection of intervention components, which have also been informed by the COM-B behaviour change theory



• Participating clinicians will have access to a Dropbox folder of PCIT-related resources, including research articles, slides from relevant presentations, handouts and worksheets. These have been produced by a number of different PCIT researchers and clinicians

• Clinicians will be provided with a toy package of approximately $NZD700 value, containing toys selected by two senior PCIT clinicians (Māori and non- Māori) as being suitable for use in PCIT

• Two robust Voyager Compact travel bed tents from Safespaces UK ( will be available for clinicians to book, to use as portable time-out spaces for children. Setup support will be provided to clinicians

• Audio-visual equipment will include a ‘baby monitor’ kit, to allow remote camera viewing and audio from the adjacent room, by a clinician located in a separate space to the parent and child. A basic mobile phone and earpiece worn by the parent will allow clinicians to discretely provide coaching out of the child’s hearing


• Refresher training content will be compiled and delivered by two senior PCIT-trained clinicians (Māori and non-Māori), one of whom is a Within-Agency Trainer for PCIT. It will include pre-existing video content from the UC Davis PCIT web course, and the Auburn University PCIT continuing education videos. The two trainers will also facilitate discussions and problem-solving sessions relating to how to deliver PCIT in a culturally responsive way, navigating client or colleague concerns relating to the use of time-out, and other topics that have been identified in our earlier research as impeding or influencing implementation. These discussions will be informed by the trainers’ own research and clinical experience

Who provided

The refresher training will be delivered by two PCIT-trained clinical psychologists, one of whom is Māori, and one of whom is a PCIT International accredited Within-Agency Trainer. The co-worker is an accredited PCIT provider, a Māori clinical psychologist. The weekly PCIT consultation groups will be facilitated by the first author, with support from the co-worker, who will also attend


Refresher training will be delivered in person. Weekly PCIT consultation sessions will be delivered in a hybrid format, where clinicians can join via Zoom or in person, according to their preference. Co-working contacts may involve the co-worker joining a client session (client consent having been obtained by the participating clinician in advance) or in person contact


Refresher training will occur at a University clinic training room, over two successive Saturdays. Co-working will occur at a location of the clinician’s choice (e.g. their office, a Zoom call)

When and How Much

Refresher training ‘dose’ is fixed at two 8-h days, that will be scheduled approximately 6 weeks after the trial information sessions. PCIT consultation groups will occur weekly, for 1 h, across the 6-month trial period. Co-worker contacts are not fixed and are unlimited, and the uptake of this component is of interest as a study outcome


The re-implementation intervention will not be adapted or personalised by the research team; however, participating clinicians will select additional components that are of interest or relevance to them, using the online booking system. These additional components include (1) audio-visual equipment, (2) time-out pop-up tents, and (3) access to a co-worker


N/A for protocol

How well

Intervention fidelity and adherence will not be assessed