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Table 3 Cardiac rehabilitation data presented by treatment group

From: A randomised controlled, feasibility study to establish the acceptability of early outpatient review and early cardiac rehabilitation compared to standard practice after cardiac surgery and viability of a future large-scale trial (FARSTER)


Intervention group declared fit for CR ( n  = 25)

Control group declared fit for CR ( n  = 21)

Number of CR sessions attended, n (%)

23 (92.0)

18 (85.7)

 Mean (SD)

8.2 (5.1)

9.5 (5.1)

 Median (IQR)

8 (5, 12)

8.5 (8, 14)

 Min, max

0, 16

0, 16

Attended at least one CR session, n (%)


19 (76.0)

16 (76.2)


4 (16.0)

2 (9.5)

 Missing (CR booklet not returned)

2 (8.0)

3 (14.3)

Number of CR sessions completed with active participation in aerobic circuit, n (%)

23 (92.0)

18 (85.7)

 Mean (SD)

7.7 (5.2)

9.3 (5.1)

 Median (IQR)

7 (4, 12)

8 (7, 14)

 Min, max

0, 16

0, 16

Offered advice on diet during CR, n (% of those who attended at least one CR session)


10 (52.6)

12 (75.0)


9 (47.4)

4 (25.0)

Offered advice on medications during CR, n (% of those who attended at least one CR session)


16 (84.2)

11 (68.8)


3 (15.8)

5 (31.2)

Offered advice on exercise during CR, n (% of those who attended at least one CR session)


19 (100)

15 (93.8)


0 (0.0)

1 (6.2)

Offered advice on physical activity during CR, n (% of those who attended at least one CR session)


18 (94.7)

13 (81.3)


1 (5.3)

3 (18.7)

  1. CR Cardiac rehabilitation, SD Standard deviation, IQR Interquartile ranges