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Table 6 Feasibility outcomes—results

From: Group antenatal care: findings from a pilot randomised controlled trial of REACH Pregnancy Circles

Feasibility outcome


Recruitment—number of available pregnant individuals in each catchment

(appeared eligible at first screen and sent PIS) (n/N) a


Catchment 1

238/764 (31%)

Catchment 2

135/764 (18%)

Catchment 3

391/764 (51%)

Recruitment—number of eligible individuals on the clinic list where recruitment took place—(second screen) (n/N)a


Catchment 1

117/342 (34%)

Catchment 2

85/342 (25%)

Catchment 3

141/342 (41%)

Recruitment—percentage randomised (number consenting to randomisation by number offered trial participation (n/N (%)))a

77/242 (32%)

Uptake of group care model (number attending at least on session of group care model/number randomised to group care (%))a

27/37 (73%)

Retention in groupsa


Number of sessions attended (number attended/number of sessions offered (%))c

141/296 (48%)

Number of possible sessions attended (allowing for early delivery/moving out of area) (number sessions attended/number of possible sessions to attend (%))

141/256 (55%)

Participants who attended 6 + sessions (number attending 6 + sessions/number randomised to group care(%))

13/37 (35%)

Participants who stayed for 75% + of possible sessions, allowing for early delivery/moving out of area (number who stayed for 75%/number randomised to group care (%))

18/37 (49%)

Median number of sessions attended in Pregnancy Circles arm (median)


Follow-up response rate—self-complete outcome questionnaire(s)a


Follow-up 1 (number responding/number of randomised participants (%))

49/74 (66%)

Follow-up 2 (number responding/number of randomised participants(%))

39/74 (53%)

  1. aProgression criteria to full trial
  2. bNon-attenders were followed up to ensure that they received adequate antenatal care
  3. cBased on each woman being able to attend all 8 standard care sessions