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Table 5 Potential measures from self-complete questionnaires for the full trial

From: Group antenatal care: findings from a pilot randomised controlled trial of REACH Pregnancy Circles


Description of proposed items and standardised measures

Time point


First follow-up–35 weeks gestation

Second follow-up–4 months postnatal



Ethnicity (UK Census categories)

Main language

English speaking ability


Education (highest qualification)

Type of housing (own home/rented)

Occupancy (who live with)


Social support

Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire [19]



Pearlin Mastery Scale [20]


Prenatal stress

Revised Prenatal Distress Scale [21]



Pregnancy-related Empowerment Scale (PRES) [22]



Involvement in decisions about care/satisfaction with care

Included questions from NHS Patient Survey Programme (NPSP), CQC 2017, Picker Institute and new questions designed for this study


Health service usage

Self-reported use of a variety of health services (GP, health visitor, hospital doctor, A&E services, antenatal/postnatal admissions, uptake of immunisations at 2 and 3 months postnatal)


Breastfeeding continuation and exclusivity

Type of milk in first few days after birth/type of milk at 3 months old


Postnatal depression

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale [23]


Postnatal health symptoms

Postnatal symptoms checklist (as used in National Maternity Survey 2010)
