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Table 3 Qualitative data collection participants and topics

From: Peer-led recovery groups for people with psychosis in South Africa (PRIZE): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial

Participant type

Number & data collection

Purposive sampling

Key topics

Caregivers and service users declining to participate in pilot

3–5 IDIs

Gender; reason for declining question 

Needs; perceived usefulness of intervention; barriers to participation

Service user and caregiver recovery group participants

10–12 service user IDIs & 10–12 caregiver IDIs

Gender, group/ clinic; number of sessions attended

Acceptability of recovery groups (including group format, frequency, location, perceptions of ASW and peer facilitators); peer contribution to groups; usefulness of group problem solving for recovery; appropriateness/usefulness of referrals; met and unmet needs; and perceived barriers and facilitators of participation and impact

Peer facilitators in intervention arm

1 FGD service users, 1 FGD caregivers (both with all facilitators)


Adequacy of training and supervision; self-perception of facilitation skills/ competence; impact of peer facilitator role on recovery; sustainability of role

Auxiliary social worker facilitators

2 IDIs


Adequacy of training and supervision; self-perception of facilitation skills/ competence; perception of peer contribution to groups; feasibility/ sustainability of role

Social worker supervisors



Adequacy of training and supervision; perception of ASW facilitation skills/ competence; feasibility/ sustainability of role

Facility staff (Psychiatric nurses & clinic managers)

3–5 IDIs


Feasibility/ sustainability and utility of groups

Control arm participants

3–5 IDIs

Clinic; response to contamination question

Awareness of group existence and aims; perceived impact on mental health