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Table 2 PRIZE process evaluation preconditions, indicators, and data types

From: Peer-led recovery groups for people with psychosis in South Africa (PRIZE): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial

Pre-conditions for intervention to achieve desired outcomes


Data type/s

P1: Service users and caregivers are identified and want to attend group sessions

Number of service users and caregivers consenting to participate


Reasons for declining participation

Quantitative & qualitative (decliners IDIs)

P2: ASWs attend (ongoing) training

Number/% training sessions attended


P3: Social worker supervises ASWs

Number of supervision sessions attended


Supervision perceived to be adequate

Qualitative (ASW IDIs)

P4: ASWs have skills to successfully facilitate groups

GroupACT scores from observed group sessions

Quantitative (GroupACT)

(Self-)Perception of facilitation skills and competence

Qualitative (service user, caregiver & ASW IDIs)

P5: ASWs remind peers to attend

Number/% participants with attempted reminder, e.g. call attempted, message sent


Number/% participants with reminder successfully conveyed, e.g. message read, participant spoken to


P6: Peers have interest and willingness to be facilitators

Two peer facilitators identified for each group


Barriers and motivators to taking peer facilitator role

Qualitative (service users and caregiver IDIs)

P7: ASWs support peer facilitators

Number of peer-facilitated sessions shadowed by ASW


Perception of adequacy of support received

Qualitative (peer facilitator IDIs)

P8: ASWs refer participants to services in line with recovery plan

Number of referrals made to Indlela Mental Health


% of referrals to Indlela Mental Health resulting in service contact


Perception of whether referrals are in line with recovery plan

Qualitative (service user IDIs)

P9: Peers have sense of group belonging and ownership

Perception of belonging and ownership

Qualitative (service user, caregiver & ASW IDIs)

P10: Peers attend sessions regularly

% attendance at sessions


P11: Peers share personal experiences and coping strategies

Perception of degree of sharing experiences/ strategies

Qualitative (service user, caregiver & ASW IDIs)

P12: Peers develop personal recovery plan

Perception of how engaged participants are in recovery planning

Qualitative (service user, caregiver & ASW IDIs)

P13: Peers shape group focus to their priorities

Number of external speakers identified/ invited to group


Perception of degree of shaping to peer priorities

Qualitative (service user, caregiver & ASW IDIs)

P14: Peers solve problems to work towards recovery

All planned ASWs sessions completed

Quantitative (fidelity checklist)

Perception of usefulness of ideas and information for recovery

Qualitative (service user & caregiver IDIs)

P15: Caregivers develop strategies to support their relative

(Self-)Perception of caregiver strategies and skills

Qualitative (service user & caregiver IDIs)

P16: All peers contribute to running of group

Perception of peer contribution

Qualitative (service user & caregiver IDIs)

P17: Peer facilitators attend (ongoing) training

Number/% peer training sessions attended


P18: Peer facilitators have skills to successfully facilitate groups

GroupACT scores from observed group session

Quantitative (GroupACT)


(Self-)Perception of facilitation skills and competence

Qualitative (service user, caregiver & ASW IDIs)