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Table 1 Feasibility study data collection methods

From: Integrating community-based HIV and non-communicable disease care with microfinance groups: a feasibility study in Western Kenya

Feasibility objective

Data collection method

Respondent type

No. conducted (no. respondents)

Key indicators ascertained

Recruitment capability and sample characteristics

Eligibility Survey

MF group leads

105 (105)

Number of MF groups

Number of eligible MF groups

Number of eligible members in MF groups

Frequency of meetings for eligible MF groups

Meeting location for eligible MF groups

Acceptability and suitability of the intervention and study procedures

Stakeholders meetings

County stakeholders

7 (63)

Perception of the intervention design

Stakeholder workshops

Health facility stakeholders

2 (29)

Eligibility survey

Microfinance group leads

115 (115)

Implementation considerations for the study and intervention

Stakeholders meetings

County stakeholders

7 (63)

Recommendations for the intervention design

Stakeholder workshops

Health facility stakeholders

2 (29)

Eligibility survey

Microfinance group leads

115 (115)