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Table 2 Characteristics of ASSESS-meso participants who chose not to be considered for future TwiCs. All values given are n (%) unless otherwise stated

From: A trial of intra-pleural bacterial immunotherapy in malignant pleural mesothelioma (TILT) — a randomised feasibility study using the trial within a cohort (TwiC) methodology


Participants who did not wish to be considered for TwiCs

All ASSESS-meso participants





3 (75)

77 (84.6)

Age, median (range)

79 (64–93)

74 (33–93)

Performance status


2 (50)

30 (33.0)


2 (50)

42 (46.2)



17 (18.7)



2 (2.2)

Asbestos exposure

 None recalled


14 (15.4)



11 (12.1)


3 (75)

20 (22.0)


1 (25)

46 (50.5)

Presenting symptoms


2 (50)

72 (79.1)

 Chest pain

1 (25)

32 (35.1)


3 (75)

38 (41.8)


1 (25)

12 (13.2)



20 (22.0)



11 (12.1)

 Weight loss

1 (25)

25 (27.5)


1 (25)

3 (3.3)

Duration of symptoms

  < 1 month

2 (50)

21 (23.1)

 1–3 months

1 (25)

39 (42.9)

  > 3 months

1 (25)

28 (30.8)



3 (3.3)

Method of diagnosis

 US-guided biopsy

1 (25)

10 (11.0)

 CT-guided biopsy


8 (8.8)

 Medical thoracoscopy

2 (50)

46 (50.6)



16 (17.6)

 Other biopsy (e.g. laparoscopic)


5 (5.5)


1 (25)

4 (4.4)



2 (2.2)

Disease site


4 (100)

88 (96.7)



3 (3.3)



2 (50)

38 (41.8)


2 (50)

50 (55.0



3 (3.3)

Tumour histology


3 (75)

72 (79.1)



10 (11.0)



2 (2.2)



1 (1.1)

 No histology obtained

1 (25)

6 (6.6)

Brims prognostic score

 1 (best prognosis)

2 (50)

11 (12.1)


1 (25)

33 (36.3)


1 (25)

16 (17.6)

 4 (worst prognosis)


31 (34.1)