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Table 1 Schematic diagram for 2×2 factorial trial of interventions A (NRT) and B (BISCA)

From: Behavioural support and nicotine replacement therapy for smokeless tobacco cessation: protocol for a pilot randomised-controlled multi-country trial


Intervention A

NRT (8 weeks, 4/6 mg)

Intervention B - BISCA





No intervention

VBA + self-help material

Trial arm 1

Intervention A only

8-week NRT in addition to standard VBA + self-help material in arm 1

Trial arm 2


Intervention B only

Behavioural support intervention for ST cessation-BISCA (incorporates VBA and self-help)

Trial arm 3

Interventions A and B

Trial arm 4

  1. BISCA behavioural support intervention for smokeless tobacco cessation in adults, ST smokeless tobacco, VBA very brief advice, NRT nicotine replacement therapy