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Table 7 Summary of changes from think aloud interviews

From: Planning and developing a web-based intervention for active surveillance in prostate cancer: an integrated self-care programme for managing psychological distress

Comments from think aloud


Various aesthetic suggestions were made, for example, removing/adding pictures, less information on each page, centralising headings

All suggestions were discussed within the research team and the majority were implemented

Suggestion to add in a quick summary of all sessions as part of the introduction

Added as suggested

Minor wording changes to information sheets and sessions suggested

Implemented as suggested

Physical activity section needs to be relevant to PCa

Physical activity advice was included, and recommendations in line with NHS guidance. The research team added information to explain how improving physical activity can improve wellbeing and general health

Physical activity session assumes all participants are unfit, amend wording to remove this assumption

Implemented as suggested

Add more examples of goals

Added as suggested

Add in the benefits of talking to others

Added as suggested

Section about talking to professionals implies there will be problems

Wording adjusted to remove implication

Add statement that doctors / nurses will not be embarrassed by certain topics

Added as suggested

Make goal page printable

Actioned as suggested