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Table 2 Changes in sleep, glycemic, and self-reported parameters after interventions

From: Effects of Sleep-Extend on glucose metabolism in women with a history of gestational diabetes: a pilot randomized trial




Healthy living


Mean difference

95% confidence interval

Objectively measured sleep parameters

 Δ sleep duration (minutes)

26.9 (42.5)

− 9.1 (20.4)


− 8.6, 80.5

 Δ sleep efficiency (%)

− 3.0 (3.1)

− 0.6 (1.9)

− 2.4

− 5.7, 0.9

 Δ fasting glucose (mg/dL)

1.6 (9.4)

10.4 (8.2)

− 8.8

− 19.8, 2.1

 Δ 2h glucose (mg/dL)

8.7 (20.6)

10.4 (27.3)

− 1.6

− 29.6, 26.4

 Δ AUC glucose

13.5 (35.1)

6.6 (46.7)


− 40.9, 54.8


0.70 (1.40)*

0.59 (1.08)


− 1.51, 1.74

Secondary outcomes

 Δ weight (kg)

− 0.22 (1.9)

− 1.66 (2.08)


− 0.97, 3.85


− 2.8 (3.2)

− 2.0 (4.2)

− 0.8

− 5.1, 3.5

 Δ GAD-7 score

1.0 (− 1.5, 2.0)

1.0 (0.0, 2.0)**


U=17.0, z=− 0.16

 Δ Promis fatigue T-score

− 5.1 (8.7)

5.5 (3.1)**

− 10.6

− 20.7, − 0.6

 Δ IPAQ (MET- minutes/week)

+1847 (3200)

− 3188 (4341)**


343, 9729


− 1.9 (5.6)

+3.4 (3.8)

− 5.2

-11.4, 0.9

  1. Data are presented as mean (SD) or median (IQR). U and z values are from Mann-Whitney U tests
  2. AUC area under the curve, BMI body mass index, CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, GAD-7 General Anxiety Disorder-7, HOMA-IR Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance, IPAQ International Physical Activity Questionnaire, PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
  3. *n=8, **n=4