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Table 1 Overview of feasibility outcomes and progression criteria

From: The feasibility of a crossover, randomized controlled trial design to assess the effect of probiotics and prebiotics on health of elite Swiss para-athletes: a study protocol

Feasibility criteria


Progression criteria to a subsequent triala

Recruitment and eligibility

Number of eligible athletes


Percentage assessed for eligibility; fulfilling inclusion criteria, recruited and included (of total number identified)

>  25% agreed to participate of total eligible population

Reasons for ineligibility and non-participation

Information to be descriptively summarized. If necessary inclusion/exclusion criteria are to be reconsidered.

Data collection

Percentage of completed assessments/questionnaires

>  75% answering all questions at all assessments

Numbers of missing items (e.g., laboratory measurements), reasons for missing data collection

< 20% missing information for primary outcomes [30]

Adherence to intervention

A rate of adherence to protocol for both intervention and control interventions

> 80% of participants at baseline


The number of randomized participants retained/who managed to complete the study protocol

Collect the reasons for premature study termination

> 80% of participants at baseline

Feasibility of procedures and experimental setting

Number of:

 1. Fasting blood samples collected

 2. Correctly taken stool samples by study participants

 3. Successfully analysed microbiome composition

>  75% of analytic procedures successfully completed

Acceptability of intervention

Evaluated among participants post-trial:

 1. Rating (from 0 to 10) of study procedures (intervention, measurements, time burden, personal value)

 2. Willingness to participate again

 3. Open feedback

Having an average of at least 5 points for each rating

> 50% willing to participate again

Resources needed to complete the study and the intervention

Length of time required for:

 1. Study personnel to collect the data the monthly visits

 2. Participants to provide data at the monthly visits

< 60 min to complete questionnaires and physical examinations during monthly study visits

Safety analyses

Number of serious adverse events

No serious adverse events related to the study intervention or other procedures.

  1. aIf one or more criteria are not met revisions should be considered before proceeding to a definite trial