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Table 1 Example of typical study therapy and maintenance regime for both Iscador® M (Maleus) and Iscador® P (Pinus)

From: A pilot study of the mistletoe and breast cancer (MAB) trial: a protocol for a randomised double-blind controlled trial

Induction phase

Week 1

0.01 mg (1.0 ml) × 3 = total of 0.03 mg Iscador M or P

Week 2

0.1 mg (1.0 ml) × 3 = total of 0.3 mg of Iscador M or P

Week 3

1 mg (1.0 ml) × 3 = total of 3 mg of Iscador M or P

Week 4

10 mg (1.0 ml) × 3 = total of 30 mg of Iscador M or P

Week 5

20 mg (1.0 ml) × 3 = total of 60 mg of Iscador M or P