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Table 2 Baseline characteristics (n = 40)

From: Care Outcomes for Chiropractic Outpatient Veterans (COCOV): a single-arm, pragmatic, pilot trial of multimodal chiropractic care for U.S. veterans with chronic low back pain

Age, mean (range), y

53.3 (22–79)

Age group, n (%)

 18–35 years

6 (15)

 36–54 years

16 (40)

 55+ years

18 (45)

Sex, n (%)


31 (78)


9 (23)

Hispanic or Latino, n (%)

2 (5)

White race, n (%)

36 (90)

History of mental health diagnosis identified in EHR, n (%)

29 (73)

Patient Health Questionnaire-9, mean (SD), 0=none, 27=severe depression

9.7 (5.6)

 Moderate, n (%)

11 (28%)

 Moderately severe, n (%)

6 (15%)

 Severe, n (%)

2 (5%)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, mean (SD), 0=none, 10=severe anxiety disorder

7.7 (5.6)

 Moderate, n (%)

10 (26%)

 Severe, n (%)

3 (8%)

PTSD Checklist-civilian version, mean (SD), 17=not at all severe, 85=extremely severe PTSD symptoms

40.3 (18.1)

 Moderate to moderately high severity, n (%)

9 (23%)

 High severity, n (%)

15 (38%)

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, mean (SD), 0–12, 0=no alcohol use

2.2 (2.8)

PROMIS® (T score)

 Depression*, mean (SD)

55.5 (9.6)

 Anxiety*, mean (SD)

58.7 (10.0)

 Alcohol use, mean (SD)

46.6 (5.9)

 Neuropathic pain, mean (SD)

49.0 (7.7)

Expectations of chiropractic care

 Amount of change in back pain, 0=no change, 10=complete relief

  Hoped for, mean (SD)

8.0 (1.7)

  Realistically expected, mean (SD)

5.7 (2.0)

 Amount of change in the impact of back pain on life, 0=no change/worse, 10=back pain no longer impacts my life

  Hoped for, mean (SD)

8.1 (1.8)

  Realistically expected, mean (SD)

5.6 (1.9)

  1. *higher score worse