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Table 1 Description of strategies mapped to the relevant COM-B factors and behavior change techniques

From: A real-world feasibility study of the PLAYshop: a brief intervention to facilitate parent engagement in developing their child’s physical literacy

Implementation strategy

Intervention function

Barriers and enablers addressed (COM-B)

Behavior change technique employed

Detailed description

1. Conduct educational training






Parent knowledge and confidence (psychological capability)

-Information about physical literacy and positive outcomes for the child

-Instruction on how to perform the behavior(s)

-Instruction on how to perform the behavior(s) using common household items

-Demonstration of the behavior(s)

-Practice of the behavior(s)

-Problem solving

-Identification of self (parent) as a role model to the child

-Verbal persuasion about capability

-Principles of and ideas for modifications to support the parent in meeting the child’s needs in terms of current ability and motivations

A 75-min workshop for parents, delivered in an accessible community site (e.g., school, sport club, or recreation center) by a facilitator with a background in physical literacy. Parents are introduced to the core concepts of physical literacy (motivation, competence, confidence and valuing physical activity) via education, group discussion, and active participation in FMS-based activities. Parents are provided with modifications to perform activities “at home.”

Parent perceived ability to implement change (physical capability)

Lack of available resources and/or time to engage in purposeful play with the child (physical opportunity)

Lack of prioritizing child’s physical literacy (reflective motivation)

2. Distribute educational resources



Parent knowledge and abilities (physical and psychological capability)

-Information about physical literacy and positive outcomes for the child

-Problem solving

-Messages about addressing multiple developmental goals through physical play like numeracy and literacy through singing and counting

Several resources are provided to parents at the workshop conclusion: the Canadian 24-h Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth, cards with various activity ideas, and a one-page physical literacy information handout.

Lack of available resources and/or time to engage in purposeful play with the child (physical opportunity)