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Table 3 Clinical outcomes and foot health and functionality of the intervention group, and within-group difference (baseline to 12 weeks)

From: Foot-ankle functional outcomes of using the Diabetic Foot Guidance System (SOPeD) for people with diabetic neuropathy: a feasibility study for the single-blind randomized controlled FOotCAre (FOCA) trial I


Intervention group

Changes in outcomes

Baseline (n = 6)

T12 (n = 6)

Difference (95%CI)

MNSI Questionnaire (0–13)

8.8 (2.6)

8.3 (1.2)

− 0.5 (− 2.5 to 1.5)

FHSQ—foot pain (0–100)

38.6 (35.8)

66.2 (29.7)

27.6 (6.4 to 48.7)

FHSQ—foot function (0–100)

68.7 (35.9–90.6)a

90.6 (20.3–100.0)a

3.1 (− 16.9 to 27.3)a

FHSQ—footwear (0–100)

27.7 (32.7)

70.8 (29.2)

43.1 (− 7.1 to 93.2)

FHSQ—general foot health (0–100)

12.5 (0.0–34.3)a

12.5 (0.0–74.3)a

0.0 (− 22.0 to 35.3)a

  1. Data are presented as mean (SD) and difference with 95% confidence intervals. a Represents median (interquartile range) and median of differences with 95% confidence intervals. MNSI Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument, FHSQ Foot Health Status Questionnaire, DPN diabetic peripheral neuropathy