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Table 1 Process evaluation framework

From: Can public sector community health workers deliver a nurturing care intervention in South Africa? The Amagugu Asakhula feasibility study


Questions addressed

Data sources


To what extent were the training (CHWs) and intervention (CHWs and caregivers) adopted by targeted groups?

Recruitment and retention records, observations, separate FGDs with CHWs, and caregivers after the intervention


To what extent was the intervention delivery agreeable and satisfying, and perceived as acceptable by caregivers and CHWs?

Separate FGDs with CHWs and caregivers after the intervention


How well does the intervention correspond with caregivers’ situations and needs? Are CHWs well suited for delivering this intervention?

Separate FGDs with CHWs and caregivers after intervention, observations during training and intervention, feedback from CHWs about training, and key informant interviews

Implementation and fidelity

To what extent was the intervention implemented as intended in the design, and consistently with the underlying theory and philosophy?

Observations, key informant interviews, separate FGDs with CHWs, and caregivers after intervention

Feasibility and context

How successfully can this intervention be carried out in this setting? How successfully can the necessary evaluation components of this intervention be carried out in this setting? Are there contextual barriers or facilitators related to this intervention and/or its evaluation? To what extent are they modifiable, and do they necessitate further tailoring of the intervention for a full trial? Were there any factors external to the intervention that seemed to influence implementation?

Recruitment and retention records, observations, key informant interviews, separate FGDs with CHWs, and caregivers after intervention