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Table 3 Comparison of self-reported history of mopane worm harvesting and respiratory health symptoms by mopane worm sensitisation status

From: A feasibility study to assess Imbrasia belina (mopane worm) sensitisation and related respiratory health outcomes in a rural community in Gwanda district, Zimbabwe

Outcome variables

Prevalence, n (%)

Sensitised to mopane worm (n = 8)

Not sensitised to mopane worm (n = 9)a

Total (n = 17)

History of mopane worm harvesting

 Harvest mopane worms

4 (50)

6 (67)

10 (59)

 Duration of harvesting in years, mean (± SD)

38 (± 9.8)

15.4 (± 13.8)

25 (± 16.5)

 Symptoms when harvesting mopane worm (n = 10)

2 (50)

4 (67)

6 (60)

Respiratory health symptoms


4 (50)

5 (56)

9 (53)

 Woken up by chest tightness

2 (25)

4 (44)

6 (35)

 Woken by shortness of breath

3 (38)

4 (44)

7 (41)

 Shortness of breath at rest

4 (50)

4 (44)

8 (47)

 Shortness of breath following exercise

3 (38)

5 (56)

8 (47)

 Woken by cough

5 (63)

6 (67)

11 (65)

 Morning phlegm

4 (50)

5 (56)

9 (53)

 Doctor-diagnosed asthma

1 (13)

1 (11)

2 (11)

  1. *Wheeze came with breathlessness and was present even in the absence of a cold
  2. aNo significant differences between the two sensitisation groups using Fisher’s exact test