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Table 3 Intraoperative and immediate post-operative 25OHD concentrations

From: Prevention of post-cardiac surgery vitamin D deficiency in children with congenital heart disease: a pilot feasibility dose evaluation randomized controlled trial

Time point (n = high dose, low dose)

25OHD (nmol/L)

N (%) VDD

High dose

Usual care

High dose

Usual care

Intraoperative—prior to the initiation of CPB (n = 21, 20)

81.5 (36.5)a

55.5 (13.8)

5 (24%)

7 (35%)

Immediately post-operative at PICU admission (n = 21, 19)

52.0 (23.3)a

34.8 (12.0)

9 (43%)

16 (84%)

POD1 (n = 20, 19)

53.8 (23.5)a

33.0 (17.8)

9 (45%)

15 (79%)

POD3 (n = 9, 16)

55.0 (28.3)a

34.3 (11.5)

4 (44%)

14 (88%)

POD5 (n = 8, 12)

58.3 (38.3)

35.8 (13.5)

4 (50%)

9 (75%)

  1. Data are mean (SD)
  2. CPB Cardiopulmonary bypass, VDD Vitamin D deficiency (25OHD < 50 nmol/L), PICU Pediatric intensive care unit, POD Post-operative day
  3. aSignificantly higher in HD than UC; POD10/discharge 25OHD concentration only obtained for 6 patients, data not shown