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Table 2 Just Do You two-session protocol

From: Engagement intervention versus treatment as usual for young adults with serious mental illness: a randomized pilot trial



Immediate targets addressed

Session 1

Welcome/de-bunking myths/developing narratives

1. Welcome; group guidelines, purpose

2. Discuss SAMHSA recovery principles

3. Narrative of role model (experiences with the system, moving from distrust to some trust)

4. Video of celebrity service user (discussion)

5. Recovery goals (and role of services in goals)

Image impressions (i.e., stigma)

Emotions (i.e., hope)

Behavioral beliefs (i.e., trust, understanding services/literacy)

Session 2

Literacy/knowledge/validating past/instilling hope

1. What are services and how can they help? (psychoeducation)

2. Visual art exercise—cause of SMI and validation of past experiences (psychoeducation)

3. Maintaining my Medicaid insurance

4. Discussion of systemic barriers

Behavioral beliefs (i.e., services can help)

Efficacy (i.e., advocacy)

Knowledge/environmental barriers (i.e., cause)

Emotions (i.e., hope, fear, ambivalence)