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Table 2 Examples from the Active Women over 50 intervention coded within the COM-B domains, intervention functions and behaviour change techniques (BCTs)

From: Active Women over 50 online information and support to promote physical activity behaviour change: study protocol for a pilot trial

COM-B domains

Intervention function



Psychological capability


Information about health consequences (5.1)


“Why be Active?” section: “Regular physical activity can make you feel good and improve your self-esteem and confidence creating opportunities to socialise and meet new people”


Week 5: “Strength and balance exercises can help to prevent falls. You can do these exercises while watching TV. Look under “Tips” at www.[study website name].com/getting-started”

Health coaching:

Verbal education about physical activity for falls prevention


Instruction of how to perform a behaviour (4.1)


“How to be Active-Getting started-Tips & hints” section: Video links, e.g. falls prevention exercises


Week 6: “Is something blocking your activity plans? Think of likely solutions. Perhaps break down goals into easier steps. Or ask an exercise professional for advice.”

Health coaching:

Instruction on balance exercises where appropriate

Graded Tasks (8.7)


“How to be Active-Getting started-7 steps to getting started” section: “Start small and gradually build up the amount of time you are active, or the intensity you can be active, or your goals. Use this pre-exercise questionnaire [link], and find out what light, moderate and vigorous exercise intensity is for you.”


Week 1: “Every bit of exercise counts! Start small and gradually build up.”

Health coaching:

Advice about gradual increase in physical activity


Goal setting (behaviour and outcome) (1.1, 1.3)


“How to be Active-7 Steps for Getting Started-Step 4” and “How to be Active-Tools to keep going” section: refers participants to scheduling and goal setting resources.


Week 2: “Work towards your activity goals! Write down your when-where-how-action plan for the week. Put your plan & goals on your fridge, or where you can see them.”

Health coaching:

Advice on setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely (SMART) goals, setting goals with the participant.

Action planning (1.4)


“How to be Active-Tools to keep going” section: provision of physical activity weekly planner and physical activity charting templates


Week 1: “How do others keep motivated to be active? Many find making a plan with firm goals helps. Have a look at www.[study website name]/tools-to-keep-going”

Health coaching:

Advice on action planning, referring to the website for physical activity weekly planner and charting templates

Self-monitoring of behaviour (2.3)


“How to be Active-Tools to keep going” section: provision of templates to chart physical activity

“How to be Active-Mobile apps” section: suggestions of mobile apps to assist self-monitoring


Week 3: “Hi [FirstName], Track your activity on a calendar, chart or phone app so you can see your progress. See www.[study website name].com/mobile-apps for app suggestions.”

Health coaching:

Refer participant to website physical activity planning and charting templates; discussion/suggestions around wearables and phone apps for tracking activity.

Problem-solving (1.2)


“How to be Active-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)” section: responds to FAQs about how to be active. E.g. “I’ve never really been active before. Where do I start?” and “What do I do it I think physical activity is boring?” and “I have longstanding aches and pain. Is physical activity safe?”


Week 3: “If lack of time stops you from being active, how can you fit activity into your day? Replace some TV or device time with activity? Or have a walking meeting?”

Health coaching:

Identify motivators and barriers to physical activity, advice on action planning

Reflective motivation


Feedback on behaviour (2.2)


Week 6: “It’s 6 weeks since you committed to getting active. Congratulations on your efforts so far!”

Verbal persuasion about capability (15.1)


“How to be Active-Getting started” section: “For you, being more physically active may be simply a matter of spending more time doing the things you already enjoy doing such as taking the dog for a walk or gardening. Or maybe it's doing an activity with someone else. Pick something to do that you enjoy - then you're more likely to stick at it.”


Week 11: “Things can get in the way of you keeping up your activity. What strategies have you learnt to deal with difficult situations? Do you want to share these? www.[study website name]/contact”

Health coaching:

Motivational interviewing to increase self-efficacy

Social comparison (6.2)


“Be Inspired” section: video case studies produced for the website of real women and their experiences with physical activity – why they do it and what keeps them going; weblinks to articles from social media; opportunity for participants to share their own physical activity story via the website.


Week 1: “How do others keep motivated to be active?... Have a look at www.[study website name].com/tools-to-keep-going.”

Health coaching:

Provision of examples of what other women 50+ have done to increase physical activity when appropriate

Credible source (9.1)


Investigator institution logos on website

“Be Inspired” section: Video case studies from women aged 50+

“How to be Active-Find an activity or sport” section: links to larger reputable organisations, e.g. NSW Health, parkrun Australia


Investigator contact details on each email footer, links to website and larger reputable organisations, e.g. NSW Health, parkrun Australia

Health coaching:

Study health coach will be a Physiotherapist trained in behavioural intervention techniques and health coaching; participants referred to study health coach by study manager


Demonstration of the behaviour (6.1)


“Be Inspired” section: Video links, e.g. This Girl Can, Females in Football

Health coaching:

Set goals with the participant; send links to balance exercise videos

Automatic motivation


Habit formation (8.3)


“Be Inspired” section: “Penny” video case study talking about importance of routine;

“How to be Active-7 steps for Getting started-Step 2” section: “Find out locations, times, costs of the activity or sport.” Location and times will then act as cues to action.

“How to be Active-Tools to keep going” section: provision of physical activity weekly planner and physical activity charting templates


Week 7: “Activities that easily fit into your daily life are much more likely to become a habit. Why not put a note on the fridge, or set a phone reminder to be active?”

Health coaching:

Identify motivators for developing healthy habits

Social opportunity


Social support (unspecified) 3.1


“Be Inspired-Your story” section: “Share your physical activity story and read others’” to share experiences of physical activity


Week 4: “You're more likely to succeed if you tell someone your plans to be active - a relative, friend, or even your GP.”

Health coaching:

Identify social supports to support physical activity participation

Physical opportunity


Adding objects to the environment (12.5)


Links on website for finding physical activity opportunities


Week 3: “See www. [study website name]/find-an-activity-or-sport to pick an activity you may enjoy. While being active you could listen to music, a podcast or invite a friend.”

Environmental restructuring

Prompts/cues (7.1)


“How to be Active-Tools to keep going” section: provision of goal setting, physical activity planner, physical activity charting templates participants can print out and put up.

“Be Inspired-Penny’s story” section: recommendations about the routine of putting out clothes at night as prompt to go to gym in the morning


Week 7: “Activities that easily fit into your daily life are much more likely to become a habit. Why not put a note on the fridge, or set a phone reminder to be active?”

Health coaching:

Provide suggested prompts/cues to activity, e.g. stick goals/action plans on fridge

  1. Note: In brackets BCT numbers in line with [37]