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Table 1 Videoconference preparation and setup

From: Implementation of a multidisciplinary discharge videoconference for children with medical complexity: a pilot study


▪ Patient and guardian

▪ Hospitalist


▪ Case manager

▪ Home or public health nurse

▪ Interpreter


▪ Hospital: laptop or mobile workstation with broadband internet, video, and audio capabilities

▪ PCP: computer or mobile device with broadband internet, video, and audio capabilities


▪ 1–2 days prior, coordinator emails hospitalist and PCP Webex invitation and link to videoconference

▪ Hospital computers have Webex app pre-installed

▪ PCP installs Webex app on mobile or desktop device ahead of videoconference

▪ Hospitalist is responsible for starting videoconference via provided link


▪ Patient in bed or in guardian lap

▪ Guardian, hospitalist, case manager, and interpreter (if present) side-by-side, facing camera/PCP

▪ If patient is in bed, camera is rotated to show patient at appropriate moments