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Table 1 Pilot research questions and implications for a full review

From: Mapping the nomenclature, methodology, and reporting of studies that review methods: a pilot methodological review

Pilot review objectives

Research questions

Implications for feasibility of full review


Determine the appropriate nomenclature for accurate identification of methodological reviews

Which search terms yield methodological reviews?

Identifying a list of terms that yields methodological reviews will inform the search strategy in the full review

Sensitivity/specificity ≥ 70%

Determine the need for methodological review reporting guidelines

Are research methods specified a priori?

Inconsistent pre-specification of methods would indicate the need for a full review

≤ 70% with published protocols

How many databases are searched?

Wide variation in the numbers of databases searched would indicate the need for a full review

Coefficient of variation ~ 1 (i.e., spread in results relative to the mean)

Are search time limits justified?

Inappropriate justification of search time limits would imply the need for a full review

≤ 70% justify search limits

Is the sample size justified?

Inappropriate justification of sample size for MRs designed as analytical studies (e.g., before-after comparisons, regression-based analyses) would imply the need for a full review

≤ 70% justify sample size or perform sample size calculation

Is a formal sample size calculation performed?

Inappropriate justification of sample size for MRs designed as analytical studies (e.g., before-after comparisons, regression-based analyses) would imply the need for a full review

Is a random sample of studies used?

Use of different sampling approaches to select a subset of studies from a larger group would indicate the need for a full review

Among studies where the goal was not to capture all available studies, ≤ 70% use a random sampling approach

Do research methods or authors suggest generalizable findings?

Lack of clear approaches to reporting generalizability would indicate the need for a full review

≤ 70% discuss the generalizability of findings