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Table 3 Participants’ reasons for their acceptability response. Translations were made as true to the original statement as possible

From: Heavy-slow resistance training in addition to an ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection for individuals with plantar fasciopathy: a feasibility study

Original quote

English translation

Det har været super fint at være smertefri i startet, hvor jeg skulle påbegynde træning.

It has been super nice to be pain-free from the start when I had to start the training.

Grunden til jeg er meget enig er fordi, den første tid mærkede jeg ikke noget til smerterne pga. Injektionen hvilket gjorde det nemmere at gennemføre øvelserne og opgaverne i dagligdagen.

The reason why I very much agree is that from the beginning I did not experience pain because of the injection which made it easier to perform the exercises and everyday tasks.

Hvis det har en effekt og injektionen sker sjældent så finder jeg det acceptabelt

og en god måde at komme videre på. Det er ikke just behageligt at få den, så vil selfølgelig helst undgå det.

Men som sagt finder jeg det acceptabelt når man tænker på for og imod.

If it has an effect and the injection happens rarely then I find it acceptable and a good way of moving on. It is not necessarily comfortable to get it so I would, of course, rather avoid it. But, as I said, I find it acceptable when you consider the pros and cons.

Stadig smerter og kraftløshed

Still pain and debilitation

Virkningen af injektionen er udeblevet

The effect of the injection failed to happen

Ukompliceret og nem behandling.

Uncomplicated and easy treatment.

ikke mærket den store forskel, efter de 2 første uge

Not felt any big change after the first 2 weeks

Kombinationen gav mening. Der er enkelte gange gået mere end to dage mellem træningen.

The combination made sense. A few times it has been more than two days between the training.

Det værste var smerten i forbindelse med injektionen

The worst was the pain in connection with the injection

Meget fint med blot træning hver 2. dag, således ikke så tidskrævende.

Very nice with training just every two days so not that time consuming.

Øvelserne har givet voldsomme smerter andre steder i foden

The exercises have led to severe pains in other parts of the foot

Træningen blev langt nemmere og meget midre smertefyldt efter injektionen med binyrebarkhomon

The training became much easier and less painful after the injection with corticosteroid

Det kan siges acceptabel hvis der er nogen effekt af indsprøjtningen

It can be called acceptable if there is any effect of the injection

Om binyren har nogen effekt ved jeg ikke, med det at man HAR fået en sprøjte giver en vis “effekt” mentalt.

I do not know if the corticosteroid has any effect but the fact that you HAVE received an injection has somewhat of an “effect” mentally.

Godt med flere muligheder for behandling på en gang. Så større chance for at det virker.

Nice with more treatment options at once. So bigger chance for it to work.