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Table 2 Sessions of FAME

From: Family Empowerment (FAME): study protocol for a pilot implementation and evaluation of a preventive multi-family programme for asylum-seeker families




1. Introduction

Introduction of FAME, participants, and therapists

Parents know the aim of FAME.

Mutual expectations are identified.

Methods and framework of FAME are explicated.

Parents are introduced to the study.

Parents and children feel motivated to take part in the group.

2. Bucket and treasure chest

Stressors and sources of support

Parents are aware of the impact of difficulties on thoughts, behaviour, emotions and relationships.

Parents recognize difficulties and risk factors.

Parents can distinguish between soluble and insoluble problems.

Parents experience mutual recognition.

Parents start to develop the following insight: you can do something to decrease stress (locus of control).

Families have a positive experience.

3. Impact

Parent-child relationship and the impact of difficulties

Parents are more aware of their own stress reactions.

Parents can differentiate between different stress reactions (e.g. rumination, sadness, sleeping problems).

Parents are aware of the impact of their stress on the parent-child relationship.

Parents realize how they can aid their children.

Parents develop an understanding of what they and their children need to facilitate positive development.

4. Tools

Resources and coping; development of the child

Parents gain insight in how to deal with difficulties, and how they are already dealing with difficulties.

Parents increase and improve their coping strategies, learn from each other.

Parents experience positive interactions with each other.

Parents know what helps them to control their own emotions.

5. Discovering

Resources and coping; strengths within the family

Parents become aware of the impact of their own emotions on their child.

Parents become aware of how their children perceive the world and emotions of their child.

6. Treasure map

Social support

Parents obtain insight in how they can ask for help.

Parents obtain insight in how they can offer help.

Parents become more aware of their self-worth.

7. Closing session

Concluding FAME; leave-taking

Looking back: What did you learn?

Looking forward: How will you use the things you learned during FAME in the future?

Self-confidence of participants is stimulated.

Participants develop ideas on how to hold onto and use acquired insights.

  1. Overview of themes and aims for all age groups