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Table 2 Participant characteristics at baseline

From: Fish protein supplementation in older nursing home residents: a randomised, double-blind, pilot study


Intervention group

Control group

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)




Age, years

84 (8)

87 (5)

Upper arm circumference, cm

27.9 (3.2)

27.6 (3.8)

Calf circumference, cm

34.6 (2.5)

33.3 (5.9)

Biceps skinfold thickness, mm

8.5 (3.9)

8.2 (3.2)

Triceps skinfold thickness, mm

15.3 (5.2)

16.1 (4.7)

ADL score

14 (5)

12 (4)

MNA score

12 (1)

12 (2)

Number of diagnoses

5 (4)

4 (1)

Number of medications

10 (7)

9 (2)

Protein intake, g/kg BW/day

0.98 (0.30)

0.82 (0.17)

Energy intake, kcal/kg BW/day

22 (5)

23 (3)

Body weight, kg

69.4 (12.6)

63.7 (14.0)

Hand grip strength, kg

18 (8)

16 (11)

  1. Data is presented as mean and standard deviation with n = 12 in the intervention group and n = 9 in the control group. Differences between groups were compared using independent samples t test; Pearson’s chi-squared test was used to compare categorical data between groups. p value < 0.05 was considered significant. No significant differences between groups were observed. ADL activities of daily living; MNA mini nutritional assessment; BW body weight