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Table 2 Study questionnaires

From: Acute flares of knee osteoarthritis in primary care: a feasibility and pilot case-crossover study


Measurement method


Time available for completion

Reminder sent

Baseline questionnaire

 Section A: knee pain


Pain in last 12 months. Left, right

7 days


Time since onset

< 1 year, 1–4 years, 5–9 years, 10+ years. Left, right


Pattern [36]

5 flare pattern illustrations. Left, right


Experience of knee pain [37]

In past 6 months: no pain, predictable pain, some unpredictability, constant. Left, right


Walking difficulty [38]

Injury induced walking problems for at least 1 week. Left, right


Pain, aching, stiffness in last month [39, 40]

No days, few days, some days, all days. Left, right


Worst/least in last week, average, current [41]

0–10 NRS with anchors (no pain, pain as bad as you can imagine)


Flare-up at present

Yes/no. Left, right


Self-reported main flare trigger

Free text


Bothersomeness in last 24 h [42]

Not at all, slightly, moderately, very much, extremely. Left, right


Leg angles [43]

Very bow legged, bowed legged, normal, knock-knee, very knock-knee. Left, right


Foot angles [43]

Very turned out feet, turned out feet, straight, turned in feet, very turned in feet. Left, right


KOOS-PS [44]

7-item and 5-option categories for difficulties with daily activities in last week


KOOS-Qol [45]

4-item and 5-option categories for quality of life in last week


Medications for knee pain, last week

Health professional consultation for knee pain, last year

17-option categories for drug use

General practitioner, practice/district nurse, physiotherapist, surgeon, rheumatologist, acupuncturist, occupational therapist.


 Section B: general health

Perceived general health [46]

Physical activity(GPPAQ) [47]

Excellent, very good, good, fair, poor

Work physical activity (5-response options), general physical activity in last week (5-response options, 4-option categories), walking pace


Self-reported weight

Stones/lbs. or kg


Self-reported height

Feet/inches or cm


 Section C:



Date of birth

Current employment



Paid employment or self-employed, retired, looking after home and/or family, unable to work because of sickness or disability, unemployed, doing unpaid or voluntary work, full or part-time student


Scheduled (control-period) and event-driven (case-period) questionnaires*

 Knee pain

Flare-up at present

Yes/no. Left, right

7 days/ 2 days


Average pain in last 24 h [27]

0–10 NRS with anchors (no pain, pain as bad as you can imagine). Left, right


 Changes noticed since flare-up†

Limping, swelling, stiffness, increased difficulty with activities of daily living, sleep disturbed by knee pain

Tick as many boxes as apply


 Physical activities

Vigorous physical activity > 10 mins [48]



Climbing several flights of stairs



Repetitive or prolonged squatting



Repetitive or prolonged kneeling



Climbing up and down ladders



Lifting or moving heavy objects



Prolonged periods of sitting without a break



Prolonged periods of standing without a break



Any unusual activities involving knees



 Slips, trips, sprains, strains

Slip, trip, or fall

Episode of buckling or giving way [49]


Yes/no. Left, right


 Health and healthcare

Reduce or miss medication

Take extra medication




Cough, cold, other minor infection



 Stress and other things

Work related stress [50]

Home related stress [50]




Friend/family-related stress [50]



Low mood/depression



Feeling angry, irritable, hostile



Poor night’s sleep



Eat foods usually avoided



Cold/damp weather

Not at all, slightly, moderately, severely, extremely


 Day of above exposure

All yes responses from above sections (physical activity; slips, trips, sprains, strains; health and healthcare; stress and other things) anchored to day of the week

Grid of previous 7 days from declared flare-up onset. Tick as many boxes as apply


Brief daily questionnaire during flare-up

 Knee pain

Average pain in last 24 h [27]

0–10 NRS with anchors (no pain, pain as bad as you can imagine). Left, right

6 h


 Impact of pain

Bothersomeness in last 24 h [42]

Not at all, slightly, moderately, very much, extremely. Left, right


 Medication use

Pain medication taken in last 24 h

No; yes, but less than usual; yes, but about the same as usual; yes, more than usual


 Flare-up resolution

Has your flare-up ended



Brief daily questionnaire for sub-study

 Main flare-up trigger

Did your main trigger for a flare-up of knee pain [baseline response reminder] happen today


6 h


 Knee pain

Average pain in last 24 h [27]

0–10 NRS with anchors (no pain, pain as bad as you can imagine). Left, right

  1. KOOS-PS Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Short Form, Qol qualify of life, GPPAQ General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire, NRS numerical rating scale
  2. *Control-period questionnaires scheduled for week 1, 5, and 9 post-baseline completion; event-driven questionnaires initiated by participant if and when flare-ups occur
  3. Question applied to event-driven questionnaires only