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Table 2 Between-group comparison of effects of yoga on oxidative status and motor and non-motor functions at 12 weeks adjusting for baseline measurement and l-dopa dose

From: Effects of yoga on oxidative stress, motor function, and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial



Wait-list control


95% CI

(n = 10)

(n = 10)

Oxidative status

 ↑Total GSH (μg/ml)

211.4 (7.4)

207.5 (7.8)

− 3.9 (10.9)

(− 26.8, 19.0)

 ↑GSH:GSSG ratio

12.4 (.7)

13.1 (.7)

0.6 (1)

(− 1.5, 2.7)

 ↓MDA (μM)

42.7 (4.6)

46.5 (4.9)

3.8 (6.9)

(− 10.7, 18.3)

 ↓SOD (U/ml)

375.9 (37.5)

485.7 (39.5)

109.8 (55)

(− 6, 225)

 ↑Catalase (nmol/min/ml)

41,826 (3045)

42,583 (3249)

757 (4936)

(− 9613, 11,127)

 ↓Protein carbonyl (nmol/ml)

17 (2)

19.2 (2.1)

2.1 (3)

(− 4.2, 8.4)

 ↑GPx (nmol/min/ml/mg)

16.2 (1.6)

15.3 (1.7)

− 0.8 (2.3)

(− 5.6, 4.0)

Motor function

 ↓Motor UPDRS (0–108)

17 (1.7)

22.5 (1.8)

5.4 (2.6)

(− 0.1, 10.9)

 ↑LAPAQ level, in minutes

2563 (756)

5749 (800)

3187 (1141)

(790, 5584)

QOS and QOL (range of scores)

 ↑PD Sleep Scale (0–150)

112.2 (4.1)

106.3 (4.3)

− 5.8 (6)

(− 18.4, 6.8)

 ↑MoCA (0–30)

28.1 (.4)


− 0.8 (.6)

(− 2.1, 0.5)

 ↓Beck Depression Inventory (0–63)

8.9 (1.1)

8.6 (1.2)

− 0.3 (1.7)

(− 3.9, 3.3)


  Social and role function (0–100)

44 (3.8)

41.8 (4)

−2.2 (5.6)

(−14.0, 9.6)

  Self-image and sexuality (0–100)

37.6 (3.9)

41.5 (4.1)

3.8 (5.8)

(− 8.4, 16.0)

  Sleep (0–100)

35.1 (3.1)

24.7 (3.3)

− 10.4 (4.6)

(− 20.1, − 0.7)

  Outlook (0–100)

45.8 (2.9)

35.2 (3)

− 10.6 (4.3)

(− 19.6, − 1.6)

  Physical functioning (0–100)

33.9 (3.2)

36.2 (3.4)

2.3 (4.7)

(− 7.6, 12.2)

  Independence (0–100)

10 (5)

5.4 (5.3)

− 4.5 (7.4)

(− 20.0, 11.0)

  Urinary function (0–100)

50.8 (4.9)

47.7 (5.3)

− 3 (7.7)

(− 19.2, 13.2)

  Global (0–100)

52 (6.3)

53.3 (6.6)

1.2 (9.3)

(− 18.3, 20.7)

  1. Values are the mean (SE) unless indicated otherwise. ↑or ↓sign indicates better status
  2. CI confidence interval, UPDRS Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, LAPAQ Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam Physical Activity Questionnaire, GSH glutathione, GSSG glutathione disulfide, MDA malondialdehyde, SOD superoxide dismutase, GPx glutathione peroxidase, PDQUALIF Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire