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Table 1 eRAPID RT study questionnaires and Case Report Forms (CRFs): researcher completed

From: eRAPID electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice: a pilot study protocol in pelvic radiotherapy


Time point for completion

Eligibility checklist


Comorbidity form

End of study

Consent form


Registration/randomisation form


Baseline: clinical data form

End of study

Clinical process measures

 Number of hospital contacts

 Number of alerts and hospital admissions

 Readmissions (with reasons)

 Clinician records of CTCAE and RTOG

 Changes to supportive medications and RT and/or chemotherapy dose changes

 Contacts with GP/community services

 Safety monitoring acute admissions, cumulative deaths

Collected during a course of RT treatment and if appropriate chemotherapy cycle (from hospital records and via brief patient survey at routine clinic appointments for interim assessment of clinical contacts)

IT system functioning

 Telephone log of phone calls from patients

 Record of unscheduled server down time

Throughout the duration of the study

Death and withdrawal form

At point of death/withdrawal