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Table 3 Summary of objectives, outcomes, success criteria, and analyses

From: Prospective evaluation of intimate partner violence in fracture clinics (PRAISE-2): protocol for a multicentre pilot prospective cohort study




Success criteria




Each site should recruit 50 participants in 12 months or less

Descriptive—proportions with 95% CI

Adherence to visit windows

At least 75% of study visits should be within the defined windows

Participant retention

Loss to follow-up should remain under 15%

Data completeness

Questionnaire completion rates should remain over 80%





Determine how a history of IPV affects injury-related complications

Injury-related complications

Proportions of patients experiencing injury-related complications by group with 95% CI; logistic regression.

Determine how a history of IPV affects return to pre-injury function

Return to pre-injury function

Proportion of patients achieving return to pre-injury level of function in each group at baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months with 95% CI; logistic regression.

Determine incident cases of IPV

New IPV disclosures

Incidence statistic with 95% CI.

Determine how a history of IPV affects health care and support service use

Utilization and associated costs of support services and hospitalizations

Proportions of women using each service per group over 12 months, median number of times that participants used each service with IQR. Estimated mean costs with 95% CI in each group and bootstrap differences between those with a history of IPV and those without with 95% CI.

Determine how patterns of IPV change over time

Changes in abuse severity/frequency and type

Proportion of patients who experienced no abuse, a stable level of abuse, escalating abuse, and de-escalating abuse over 12 months with 95% CI; graphically.

Determine how a history of IPV affects HRQL after a musculoskeletal injury

EuroQuol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D)

Mean change in HRQL from baseline to the 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month visits, by group with 95% CI.

Determine how abused women’s stage of change changes over time

Domestic Violence Survivor Assessment (DVSA)

Change in stage of change from baseline at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months.

  1. CI confidence interval, IQR interquartile range, HRQL health-related quality of life